BigDecimal 最佳实践

BigDecimal 最佳实践

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1. BigDecimal.subtract()

返回一个BigDecimal,其值为 (this - subtrahend), 精度为 max(this.scale(), subtrahend.scale()).

public class BigDecimalDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // create 3 BigDecimal objects
        BigDecimal bg1, bg2, bg3;

        bg1 = new BigDecimal("100.123");
        bg2 = new BigDecimal("50.56");

        // subtract bg1 with bg2 and assign result to bg3
        bg3 = bg1.subtract(bg2);

        String str = "The Result of Subtraction is " + bg3;

        // print bg3 value
        System.out.println( str );

2. NumberFormatException


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